49  DSC7244

Primary Admissions

Aldborough Primary School is a non-denominational state funded primary school called a Free School. It is operated by the Loxford Trust which has a successful track record of running schools in Redbridge.

The Governors of Aldborough Primary School propose to admit a maximum of 60 children based on the school’s standard admissions number to the Reception class in accordance with the Admissions Criteria. Aldborough Primary School was one of the first Free Schools to open in 2011. Applications are welcomed from all parents in the local area.

The Governors’ ethos is based upon high aspirations, high expectations and the promotion of educational opportunities for all. All aspects of school life actively promote tolerance and respect for others, with a commitment to the development of confident and independent learners who will make an active contribution to their community.

  1. The admissions criteria have been agreed to be the same as for Redbridge community schools and the Governors will follow the national School Admissions Code in all matters. Accordingly, if places are oversubscribed, applicants will be ranked in order of the School’s oversubscription policy as follows:
  2. First: “looked after” children and children previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence order or special guardianship order. A looked after child is a child who is in the care of a local authority as defined by section 22 of the Children Act;
  3. Then; children where it is agreed that it is essential they be admitted to the school on exceptional medical or psychological grounds;
  4. Followed by: children with siblings, who are already on roll at the school and will still be on roll when the child is admitted, and
  5. Followed by: children living nearest to the school as measured by the shortest measured walking distance as measured by the Redbridge Authority’s Geographic Information System from the child’s home to the main entrance of the school using public roads and recognised footpaths. It should be noted that when measurements involve flats in the same block, the distance will be to the entrance of each individual flat. In using distance as a tie-breaker, should there be more than one applicant for a final place living an identical distance from the school in question, the Authority will use the random allocation facility within the Tribal “Admissions and Transfers System” pupil data base which is used for allocations.

Within each category (a) to (c), the shortest measured walking distance as measured from home to school as detailed in (d) will be used to give priority to applicants.

For further details on the admission arrangements and application process, please refer to the policy for Redbridge community schools.

Apply to start Primary School